Extensive experience in implementation of pension system reform and pension funds and capital market supervision as well as banking and insurance operations and supervision.
Professional legal qualifications and experience as attorney-at-law.
Extensive experience in international cooperation in various fields (international organizations, national governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations from various countries).
Experience in creation and management of large organizations and multidisciplinary teams.
Extensive skills in coordinating activities between governmental and private sectors institutions (up to 300 people).
Experience in armament industry management.
Skilled academic lecturer and public speaker at various national and international seminars, workshops and conferences.
Hands-on experience in organizing and implementing intensive training programs for professionals (up to 40 hours weekly).
Skilled in preparing and writing analytical reports, articles, internal procedures, etc.
Solid negotiation skills with local, national and international clients.
Extensive knowledge and experience in IT system implementation and supervision.
Extensive experience in internal audit in central bank.
from 2011 Attorney-at-law at Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law Pawel Pelc, Warsaw, Poland
from 2019 Academic Center for Cybersecurity Policy at War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland - researcher
2021-2022 ECORYS Support to the NPRA Phase II (National Pension Regulatory Authority, Accra, Ghana) - expert
2018 Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A. (Polish Armament Group) - member of the Management Board
2011 - 2018 - Agency of Social Ratings - Deputy President
2007-2011 National Bank of Poland, Warsaw, Poland
2010-2011 - Adviser
2009-2010 - Internal Audit Department Director
Responsible for internal audit in NBP and international cooperation related to internal audit.
2007-2009 - Adviser to the Governor
Responsible for advising Governor in various areas: capital market, pension funds, insurance companies, legal issues and internal audit.
2006-2007 Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Warsaw, Poland
Managing Director - Insurance Supervision
Responsible for Insurance Supervision – supervision over 3 departments.
2005-2006 Securities and Exchange Commission, Warsaw, Poland
Deputy Chairman
Responsible for supervision over Legal Department, Brokerage Homes Department and Investment Funds Department in the office of the SEC. Responsible also for drafting legislation related to capital market, including implementation of EU directives and preparation to create integrated Financial Supervisory Commission.
2005-2006 Banking Supervisory Commission, Warsaw, Poland
Member nominated by Minister of Finance
2005-2006 Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Commission, Warsaw, Poland
Deputy Chairman nominated by Minister of Labour and Social Policy
2004 -2005 USAID Financial Market Strengthening Project ,Skopje, Macedonia
Legal Expert,
Short term expert in pension reform area for Macedonian Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (MAPAS). Project managed by Emerging Markets Ltd
2004 USAID Financia Market Strengthening Project, Skopje, Macedonia
Business Processes Consultant,
Short term expert in pension reform area for Macedonian Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (MAPAS). Project managed by Deloitte & Touche Thomatsu Emerging Markets
2003-2004 USAID Labour Market Project, Sofia, Bulgaria
Senior Advisor
Expert in pension funds’ area mainly for Financial Supervisory Commission in Bulgaria. Project managed by CARANA Corporation.
2003 Lithuanian Securities Commission, Vilnius, Lithuania
Services based on agreement with Lithuanian Ministry of Social Security and Labour financed from Japanese Grant for the preparation of the pension reform implementation project (administered by World Bank)
2003 -2005 City of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Deputy Director of the Financial Policy Office
Creation Financial Policy Office, responsible for cooperation with financial institutions, financial analyses and research, controlling, financial plans and similar functions in the City of Warsaw.
2002-2003 Independent attorney-at-law and pension funds’ supervision advisor
Legal services concentrated on banks, insurance market, commercial companies code, contracts and pension funds law. International and local consultancy on pension fund matters.
1998 – 2002 Superintendency of Pension Funds (UNFE) ,Warsaw, Poland
UNFE was governmental agency responsible for supervision of newly created and privately managed pension funds. UNFE, created with technical assistance from USAID, was important part of innovative, market-driven program aimed at privatising Poland’s state-owned old pension system by encouraging formation and participation of private pension fund management companies.
Deputy President
Participated in the formation of the Office and contributed to development and implementation of its internal procedures.
Supervised the work of UNFE’s Legal and Licensing, Supervision, Financial Policy, Occupational Pension Schemes and Research and Social Education departments.
Directly supervised about 130 experts and support staff of UNFE’s total 167.
Administered licensing process of pension funds and management companies.
Represented UNFE in legislative work on amendments to the Act on Organisation and Operation of Pension Funds, Act on Occupational Pension Schemes, Act on Social Security System and other numerous regulations.
Managed implementation of IT fully automated off-site control system.
Coordinated cooperation with other governmental bodies, i.e., Securities Commission and Banking Supervision Commission, Antimonopoly Office, Insurance Supervisory Office, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Finance, Prime Minister’s Office as well as with such non-governmental organisations as trade unions and employers’ organisations.
Supervised UNFE’s international bilateral agreements with US Department of Labour and parallel government agencies from Chile, Mexico, Bulgaria Lithuania, Croatia and Hungary; oversaw implementation of USAID technical assistance program for UNFE worth more than US$3 million.
Participated in Poland’s accession negotiations with the European Union on free movement of capital, successfully completed by Polish Government.
Represented UNFE at numerous national and international conferences organised by the World Bank, OECD, etc.
Prepared legal opinion to Pension Law draft in Lithuania.
Presented different pension reform aspects to and consulted officials from relevant foreign authorities (e.g., US, China, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Czech and Slovak Republics, Germany, South Africa) and various international organisations (e.g., OECD, World Bank, IMF, etc.).
1991 – 1998 Polish Development Bank S.A.,Warsaw, Poland
Bank was one of ten biggest banks in Poland and considered most innovative one Polish market. Bank signed agreements with World Bank, EBRD and European Investment Bank to distribute credit lines to other Polish banks.
1997 – 1998 Director of the President’s Office - Attorney-at-law.
Prepared and participated in meetings of Bank’s Management Board.
Coordinated legal assistance for the Board and entire Bank; developed and implemented internal banking procedures, supervised work related to acquisition of Bank’s shares by strategic investor, including due diligence.
Coordinated activities with Union of Polish Banks and government supervisory bodies.
Supervise activities related to implementation of IT transaction system at the Bank.
1995 - 1997 Head of Section – Attorney-at-law.
Provided legal assistance related to deposit and credit transactions.
Managed special section, which assembled lawyers, engineers and marketing specialists to analyse granting investment credits.
Cooperate with governmental foundation Polish Regional Development Agency to implement special EU-funded program aimed at supporting SMEs.
1992 – 1995 Head of Section
Carried out activities connected with legal assistance to Credit Department and negotiated legal framework for credit transactions and securities.
Developed and implemented internal credit procedures.
Managed section, which assembled lawyers, engineers, marketing specialists and accountants, who assisted the analysis of granting investment credits
1991-1992 Specialist
Prepared legal opinions on credit applications and analysed structure of legal guarantees of credit repayments.
2024 PhD War Studies University
2004-2005 Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management
Postgraduate studies in Management in Public Administration
1995 Attorney-at-law
1992 – 1995 Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law, Warsaw, Poland
Apprenticeship in attorney-at-law profession
1985 – 1990 Warsaw University Warsaw, Poland
J.D., Department of Law and Administration
1996-2003 Warsaw Banking Institute Warsaw, Poland
Institute created to provide various training programs for Poland’s banking sector.
Prepared and offered lectures and seminars on banking, civil and commercial law, legal environment for small and medium-sized enterprises. Program was financed by the European Union.
Warsaw University Warsaw, Poland
1991 – 1998 Lecturer
Taught courses at Law and Administration Department.
1990 – 1991Teaching Assistant
Taught courses on at Law and Administration Department students.
1995 – 1996 Banking Legal Company Warsaw, Poland
Company associated with Polish Banks Union to offer legal services to Union’s members.
Participated in drafting Act on Credit Cards prepared for the Polish Banks Union.
Polish - native
English - fluent
Published in numerous leading general-interest and specialised series, journals and newspapers, e.g. Cybersecurity and Law, Radca Prawny, Glosa, Fiskus, Rzeczpospolita , Prawo i Gospodarka , Nasz Dziennik , Nowe Panstwo , Prawo Kanoniczne , Wiez, Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa , Gazeta Bankowa, Gazeta Prawna, Asekuracja&Re , Gazeta Finansowa , Prawo Przedsiebiorcy , Prawo Ubezpieczenia Reasekuracja ,Miedzynarodowy Przeglad Polityczny, Biuletyn Miesieczny UNFE , Biuletyn Miesieczny Stowarzyszenia Rynku Kapitalowego UNFE, Forum Dyskusyjne Ubezpieczen i Funduszy Emerytalnych, Rozprawy Ubezpieczeniowe, Nasz Rynek Kapitalowy, Prawo bankowe, OECD Private Pensions Series, Tolleys International Pensions and Benefits.
Member of Internal Audit Committee within European System of Central Banks (2009-2010)
Member of Audit Task Force Quality and Methodology within IAC (2009-2010)
Member of Supervisory Board of Polish Central Deposit (KDPW SA) (2007-2010)
Chairman of IAIS (International Association of Insurance Supervisors) Pension Coordination Group (2007)
Chairman of IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) Emerging Markets Working Group 4, Co-chairman of IOSCO Screening Group (2006-2007)
Member of CEIOPS (Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors) Consultative Panel (2004-2005)
Member of Technical Committee of International Network of Pension Regulators and Supervisors (2001-2002)
Deputy President of Capital Market Association UNFE(2002-2005 and from 2007)
Initial Member and Deputy President of Alumni Association of the Law and Administration Department at Warsaw University (up 2006).
Member of Council of Experts for the certificate of Good Insurance Product
Boys Scouts’ instructor.
Participated in and gave presentations at numerous national and international conferences, seminars and panel discussions on pension system reforms organized among others by OECD, World Bank, USAID, INPRS, EWMI, Marcus Evans, Economic Chamber of Pension Funds in Poland, Association of Pension Funds in Bulgaria, Polish Parliament, Croatian HAGENA, Bulgarian FSC, IAIS and held in Washington D.C., Rio de Janeiro, Paris, Prague, Budapest, Sofia, Tallinn, Warsaw, Dubrovnik, Kiev, Skopje, Ottawa, Beijing, Moscow, Gdansk, Sopot, Lublin.